2 rental seasons, 2 years of feedback, 2 years of positive responses, 300+ rental orders. Nice!
But clearly, it's a drop in the bucket compared to what we do in traditional sales. But one, we're not chasing the numbers (we're chasing powder), and two, the excitement surrounding this new business model is exciting.
Here are some feedback from 100+ people that answered our satisfaction survey:
1. From 0 to 10, how would you rate the rental service at Picture?

2. Are you satisfied with the quality of the products you rented?

What's the analysis? Still, majority of you (70%) were renting with us because you were not in possession of an outfit (or your outfit was incomplete) for a majority of short stays (56% went for 1-5 days & 30% went for 6-10 days). These figures please us enormously because we are right in the objective that we had set ourselves: to make you avoid a purchase if you practice little.
As for your motivations, 46% of you say you rent to avoid buying, 36% because it's more economical, and a minority for other reasons (having style on the slopes or testing before buying).
We hope that you will be satisfied during this new season!